Monday, July 21, 2008

ForexGen Deposit Account

A ForexGen Deposit Account (FXGDA) enables onshore and offshore investors to optimize stable, predictable funds. It is a compelling investment alternative typically offering higher yields compared to other liquid investments. FXGDAs balance cost and convenience, liquidity and stability, and safety and enhanced yield. How it works Placed funds are available for same-day withdrawal. When interest rates improve, you benefit from the yield curve while having a callable balance. International & Federal Reserve Regulation limits the maximum number of pre-authorized or automated monthly withdrawals to six. It also gives ForexGen the right to require seven days notice for withdrawal. This makes the FXGDA an open term deposit with a seven-day inherent duration. Product Variations
Corporate FXGDA — If you are a non-bank financial institution incorporated outside the U.S., use this account structure to balances funds held on behalf of individual entities.
Cash Collateral — If you are an institutional client, you have the flexibility to place cash collateral earmarked to facilitate global trade transactions into your FXGDA.
Integrated Solution
FXGDA is part of our end-to-end liquidity and investment capabilities. Automated Money Transfer electronically links your FXGDA and regular, non-interest-bearing Trading Account. Why use Forex Deposit Account?
Gain access to typically higher yields
Combine safety and convenience with an enhanced yield
Eliminate the cost associated with placing time deposits
Enjoy greater liquidity than fixed-income products
Satisfy safety and liquidity requirements for stable client regulatory funds
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Why Forex Trading Continuously Grows with forexgen?

Learn How Traders Know Forex Moves Days in Advance! Get Free Forecasts

Forex trading is fast becoming one of the favorite profitable pastime of both professional and novice traders. Who can blame them? Forex trading, particularly online forex trading has made trading of foreign currency more exciting and less complicated. It has presented a lot of appealing trading options such as more available leverage, high liquidity, 24 hour trading accessibility and above all, very low trading more....
Professional traders are not the only ones that are interested in forex trading, even commercial organizations, especially those that engages in export and import business, also participate in forex trading. They need the currency exposure for their business. However in terms of turnovers, financial institutions still takes the lead. They are the big players and they are consisted of banks, brokers and the likes.learn more....
Nevertheless any investor is free to engage in forex trading, provided of course that they have the necessary knowledge on how to go about with the trading process.
Generally, foreign exchange is traded on margin. This means that the trader will only be required to deposit a small amount to control a much larger position in the forex trading market. So for instance if anyone wants to trade a million dollars, he would be required to give a ten thousand dollar security deposit. In order to achieve the one million dollars desired trade result, the ten thousand will have to be geared up a hundred times.
The best thing about forex trading is that it’s full of surprises. Let’s say for example there is a change of three percent in the underlying value of your trade, this will give you two possible results, either you gain a 300% profit or you lose 300% of your trade. This clearly shows the major risk involved in forex trading.learn more with

Why Hedge Foreign Currency Risk

International commerce has rapidly increased as the internet has provided a new and more transparent marketplace for individuals and entities alike to conduct international business and trading activities. Significant changes in the international economic and political landscape have led to uncertainty regarding the direction of foreign exchange rates. This uncertainty leads to volatility and the need for an effective vehicle to hedge foreign exchange rate risk and/or interest rate changes while, at the same time, effectively ensuring a future financial position.

Each entity and/or individual that has exposure to foreign exchange rate risk will have specific foreign exchange hedging needs and this website can not possibly cover every existing foreign exchange hedging situation. Therefore, we will cover the more common reasons that a foreign exchange hedge is placed and show you how to properly hedge foreign exchange rate risk.
Foreign Exchange Rate Risk Exposure - Foreign exchange rate risk exposure is common to virtually all who conduct international business and/or trading. Buying and/or selling of goods or services denominated in foreign currencies can immediately expose you to foreign exchange rate risk. If a firm price is quoted ahead of time for a contract using a foreign exchange rate that is deemed appropriate at the time the quote is given, the foreign exchange rate quote may not necessarily be appropriate at the time of the actual agreement or performance of the contract. Placing a foreign exchange hedge can help to manage this foreign exchange rate more..

Interest Rate Risk Exposure - Interest rate exposure refers to the interest rate differential between the two countries' currencies in a foreign exchange contract. The interest rate differential is also roughly equal to the "carry" cost paid to hedge a forward or futures contract. As a side note, arbitragers are investors that take advantage when interest rate differentials between the foreign exchange spot rate and either the forward or futures contract are either to high or too low. In simplest terms, an arbitrager may sell when the carry cost he or she can collect is at a premium to the actual carry cost of the contract sold. Conversely, an arbitrager may buy when the carry cost he or she may pay is less than the actual carry cost of the contract bought. Either way, the arbitrager is looking to profit from a small price discrepancy due to interest rate differentials.for more informations....

Foreign Investment / Stock Exposure - Foreign investing is considered by many investors as a way to either diversify an investment portfolio or seek a larger return on investment(s) in an economy believed to be growing at a faster pace than investment(s) in the respective domestic economy.Investing in foreign stocks automatically exposes the investor to foreign exchange rate risk and speculative risk. For example, an investor buys a particular amount of foreign currency (in exchange for domestic currency) in order to purchase shares of a foreign stock.

The investor is now automatically exposed to two separate risks. First, the stock price may go either up or down and the investor is exposed to the speculative stock price risk. Second, the investor is exposed to foreign exchange rate risk because the foreign exchange rate may either appreciate or depreciate from the time the investor first purchased the foreign stock and the time the investor decides to exit the position and repatriates the currency (exchangs the foreign currency back to domestic currency).Therefore, even if a speculative profit is achieved because the foreign stock price rose, the investor could actually net lose money if devaluation of the foreign currency occurred while the investor was holding the foreign stock (and the devaluation amount was greater than the speculative profit). Placing a foreign exchange hedge can help to manage this foreign exchange rate risk.

Hedging Speculative Positions - Foreign currency traders utilize foreign exchange hedging to protect open positions against adverse moves in foreign exchange rates, and placing a foreign exchange hedge can help to manage foreign exchange rate risk. Speculative positions can be hedged via a number of foreign exchange hedging vehicles that can be used either alone or in combination to create entirely new foreign exchange hedging more...

With Managed Portfolios, you can leverage an experienced team to increase the effectiveness of your investment strategy and custom portfolios. You provide investment guidelines and cash-flow requirements. Focus is on investments with duration up to three years Flexible Execution Investment alternatives are tailored to your investment goals:
Cash — Limit principal fluctuation while enhancing yields relative to money market instruments. Investment instruments include commercial paper and government instruments.
Extended Cash — Maximize yields and reduce the risk of rolling over instruments at lower rates. The aim is to increase flexibility on the maximum duration of securities.
Enhanced Cash — Earn higher returns for longer duration. There is higher risk for potentially higher returns.
Why use Managed Portfolios?
Enhance yield by leveraging ForexGen's expertise and market position
Increase efficiency and cost effectiveness by outsourcing investment management
Maintain control through a strategy tailored to your investment guidelines and goals
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Swing Trading Strategy

Swing trading is a popular method of capitalizing on the short-term price variations of the stock market. It has earned a reputation of being a powerful method of maximizing profits at lower risks. The best swing trading strategy involves choosing the right stock and the right market. Swing traders usually choose the stocks that fluctuate at extreme ends. Swing trading strategy is employed in a stable market, because here the prices tend to have minor variations on which the swing trader can capitalize. In a rapidly rising or crashing market, swing trading strategy cannot be employed.learn more....
Newcomers to the stock market often choose swing trading owing to the low risk and shorter period involved. To achieve higher profits in this short period, the right swing trading strategy is to trade in stocks of big companies. These stocks, usually called large cap stocks, are widely traded on most stock exchanges. Their prices show higher variations compared to other stocks. This translates into more profits for the swing traders. A swing trader may follow a stock during its upward journey for a few days. In case the stock reverses its trend, the trader simply switches over to another rising stock. The choice of the right stock thus forms an inseparable part of a successful swing trading more.........
Apart from the choice of stock, the choice of market plays a key role while deciding on a proper swing trading strategy. In a market that is on a rising or falling trend, the stock prices generally move in a single direction. There is not much of a variation by which the swing trader can profit. The best strategy here is to trade on the long term basis. A swing trader best operates on a stable market, where the index rises for some days and falls over the next few days. Although the value of major stocks remains roughly the same, the short-term variations provide the much required opportunity for the swing trader. The best swing trading strategy is thus the proper choice of the right stock and right market.for more informations....
ForexGen Institution:

ForexGen provides its institutional clients with incomparable professional and individualized trading services. As a professional online trading service, ForexGen provides several facilities for all kinds of traders.
Our corporate and managed trading service performance are based on respect and appreciation which is only achieved by offering intelligent high end trading tools for secure investment.
ForexGen is the easiest and fastest gateway for the corporate traders to perform successful trading, which provides a unique institutional investor professional facilities and highly qualified individualized services for the international customer. ForexGen provides advanced online trading software with full corporate trading services.
A rich choice of managed accounts are also available, please check our Managed Account Section
ForexGen delivers what traders want: instant order execution, lowest spreads, flexible starting capital, fast deposits and withdrawal, a local support in more than 18 countries, and most of all, solid funds security.
Winning in trading depends on using the right strategy and controlling all the moves. Trading strategies are discussed in details at ForexGen Academy.
you can know more about the institutional offers through